free think

This computer chip is the key to an unhackable future | Hard Reset

What the no-boss revolutions means for the future of work

Ex-Ford engineer builds driverless car in his garage in 100 days | Hard Reset

The marketing of suburbia was a lie. Here’s how we can fix it.

Does Bryan Johnson’s $2m biohacking routine actually work? We tested it to see | Hard Reset

Sicker than ever: How our ultra processed diets are harming our metabolic machinery

Look inside the first commercial space station | Hard Reset

Nearly-free clean energy? This could be the cheap solution we need

[FREE]Fla$hBackS (Febb × JJJ × KID FRESINO) type beat 'I Think' Prod.FOG

Former SpaceX engineer invents a “Robotic Blacksmith Army” | Hard Reset

Why does everything look the same? The key to a new type of building

The highly controversial plan to stop climate change | Russ George for Heretics

The secret robot that will disrupt fashion | Hard Reset

Technology isn’t the enemy. Stasis is.

This Man Launched a New Internet Service Provider from His Garage | Freethink DIY Science

A robot delivery idea so crazy it just might work | Hard Reset

The Futuristic Farms That Will Feed the World | Freethink | Future of Food

Maps say this place doesn’t exist. But that’s not true

The solar revolution turning sunlight into synthetic fuel | The Freethink Interview: Casey Handmer

We’re using our streets all wrong | Hard Reset by Freethink

AI is shifting the workforce constantly. Here's how you can keep up.

Is modular construction the future? | Hard Reset by Freethink

Large-scale, lab-grown meat: Step inside a cultivated meat factory | Hard Reset

Why 10,000 tiny lenses are the key to our sci-fi future | Hard Reset